Defence against false accusations of domestic violence
Those making false allegations of domestic abuse use lies, exaggerations, and half-truths as weapons. You could face criminal charges, and—if you are convicted—imprisonment and long-lasting damage to your personal and...

Facing Domestic Violence Charges in Colorado: Legal Support and Options
Domestic violence results in an estimated 1,300 deaths and 2 million injuries every year in the United States. These statistics emphasize the severity of domestic violence crimes and why they carry serious...

Myths and Facts About Domestic Violence
Like so many things related to our justice system, myths about domestic violence (DV) abound—but Wolf Law is here to set the record straight. Domestic violence cases have far-reaching implications...

Common Questions About Domestic Violence Laws
Wolf Law has managed hundreds of domestic abuse cases. In fact, it’s the area of law where Denver defense attorney and Court TV correspondent Jeffrey Wolf got started. Below, the Denver...

Domestic Violence and Mandatory Arrests in Colorado
Colorado is among a handful of states with mandatory arrest policies for domestic violence. In most states, police officers are empowered to evaluate an incident before making an arrest. In...

Domestic violence and abuse happens more often than you may think. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner every...

How The New Supreme Court Ruling Affects Your Gun Rights
Domestic violence is a major problem in the United States. As the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence points out, 1 in 3 women will be the victim of some kind...

The Facts About Domestic Violence
Domestic violence rates in the United States are staggering. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) states that more than 10 million women and men will be abused by an...

In a physical confrontation, there’s a fine line between assault and self-defense, but the distinction is critically important since the punishment for even a misdemeanor assault charge (3rd-degree assault) can...

Crime Rates in Arapahoe, Douglas & Jefferson County
There are some interesting differences in the Colorado crime rates in three major counties surrounding Denver: Arapahoe, Douglas, and Jefferson. (more…)

The Domestic Violence Difference
Deciphering domestic violence charges and casework can be tricky. In Colorado, the definition of domestic violence—sometimes called battering or partner abuse—is “a pattern of behavior in which one person attempts...