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If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Colorado, you need an ally who understands the law. DUI and DWAI charges are extremely serious, and they’re often brought against good people who don’t deserve them or who’ve simply made a mistake.

The defense attorneys at Wolf Law understand how frightening and emotionally overwhelming these charges can be. He also realizes that everyone is human and capable of making a mistake (including the police). As experienced DUI lawyers in Denver, we can provide an aggressive legal defense in order to minimize any potential penalties in your case.

If you have been arrested on DUI or DWAI charges, your liberty, your future, and your quality of life are at stake. Even if you have been wrongfully accused, attempting to handle the charges on your own could be a grave mistake. Innocent people are often wrongfully convicted because they didn’t have the assistance of an attorney. If ever there was a time to hire a lawyer, it’s now.

These cases are complicated and the stakes are high, but an experienced Denver DUI lawyer can make all the difference. This page will explain how Wolf Law can help people who have been wrongfully charged or who made an honest mistake when deciding to drive.

You don’t need to accept harsher penalties than you deserve. Let Wolf Law help.

Denver dui lawyer

DUI and DWAI Charges in Colorado: How a Denver Defense Attorney Can Help

A charge of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) isn’t the end of your story. It’s only the beginning. These charges don’t necessarily reflect the truth, and a Denver defense attorney may be able to effectively challenge them on a number of key grounds.

Unfortunately, these cases have grown increasingly scientifically sophisticated in recent years. More than ever, defendants face an uphill battle in court — not to mention harsher penalties thanks to tougher sentencing guidelines in Colorado.

But police officers, breath test analysts, eyewitnesses, and even breathalyzer machines themselves make mistakes… often, in fact. You don’t deserve to pay the price for those mistakes. The burden of proof is on the government, not you. Wolf Law can ensure that the prosecutor and the police are held accountable to the very highest standard: proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

If your DUI or DWAI charge alleges consumption of drugs rather than alcohol, the government will have an even harder time making its case, given that they won’t have breathalyzer results to rely on.

Blood tests, too, are known to produce unreliable or inconclusive results. An experienced DUI attorney can scrutinize and challenge those results to make sure that they aren’t used against you unfairly.

A DUI lawyer knows what to look for when defending the accused in Colorado. That’s important because your criminal defense really begins from the moment you first encounter the police while on the road. The criminal defense attorneys lawyers at Wolf Law will carefully examine those first encounters, the police report, drug test results, breathalyzer results, eyewitness reports, and all the other facts and circumstances of your case to mount a compelling and persuasive defense.

A Second Line of Defense: DUI and the DMV

DUI and DWAI charges in Colorado aren’t resolved in court alone. You also need an attorney who can fight for your privilege at the DMV, where your driving privileges are at stake.

Most people depend on their cars to live their lives, whether it’s going to work or simply enjoying the freedom of the open road. Don’t risk having that taken away.

When you’re charged with a DUI or DWAI in Colorado, you have to act fast. Once you receive a Notice of Revocation, you only have seven days to request a hearing. If you fail to respond within that timeframe, you’ll automatically lose your right to drive.

You need a DUI lawyer who can fight on both fronts — the courthouse and the DMV — without losing focus on either. You deserve an attorney who will act fast to protect your rights. You can count on Wolf Law.

Contact a Colorado DWAI / DUI Attorney Soon as Possible

Time matters. If you have been charged with DUI, DWAI, or a related charge in Colorado, please contact an attorney at Wolf Law right away. Taking early action makes it possible to more effectively protect your privilege to drive.

Our attorneys have years of experience in defending those accused of driving while intoxicated throughout the Denver metro and the entire state of Colorado. When you contact Wolf Law, you can count on excellent and compassionate representation. He’ll work with you to thoroughly examine and analyze the evidence against you in order to mount an effective challenge and minimize any penalties you could face.

If you need an experienced DUI lawyer in Denver, contact Wolf Law for a free consultation today.

Here is what a lot of lawyers don’t want to tell you. Your best defense in a DUI case starts with you. It starts when you’re pulled over by the police; it starts right on the roadside. Some things you need to understand, you do not have to give them statements about whether you have been drinking or not, you do not have to take the roadside maneuver test when they ask you to step out of the car. You also do not have to blow into a portable breath test on the side of the road. All of those things are voluntary whether the officer tells you they are, or not. You have a right to remain silent; you have a right to refuse their testing. Don’t get fooled by the officers. Additionally, it is important to understand, that if you have been charged with a DUI. A clock that is very important to your livelihood and your life is already ticking. There is a 7 day window; from the date you were charged with a DUI until you can request a hearing on your driver’s license. That is important to remember, it is different if it is a blood test, because your blood results aren’t known yet so your clock is not ticking, but if you have taken a breath test, seven days from the date of your arrest or charge until you can request a hearing on your license. If you miss that deadline, you will have your license automatically suspended. It’s also important to understand that DUI cases are scientific animals, they are dealt with at a very technical level. You need an attorney who can understand how to read the print outs, know what’s going on with the machines, know what’s going on with the technicians and know if there are mistakes being made in your case that you can take advantage of. It is also important to know that DUI’s come with a very specific set of consequences. If convicted of a DUI you will be required to take mandatory classes. You will also be required to take a MADD victim impact panel. Something else that they will require you to do, is to take community service hours. Additionally, your insurance premiums will go up. DUI cases can affect your entire life, that’s something that I understand, that is something I know. I have handled hundreds of DUI cases, I know that while they may seem like a small case to some attorneys, to you this is the most important thing that has happened in your life, and probably the biggest brush you will ever have with the courts. I understand; I respect it. When clients trust me to handle their cases, I honor that by working very hard to make no stone is left unturned and to make sure you understand exactly what is happening each step of the way.

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Grateful for Wolf Law

I had misdemeanor from when I was 19 years old that was keeping me from just renting an apartment because of its classification. I contacted Wolf law to get assistance with seal this 17-year-old case so I could secure an apt without fear of rejection. I was put in touch with Cassandra very promptly. She advised me and told me that I would have to seal the record in order to just have peace of mind as there is no statute of limitations on my situation. She explained the process very thoroughly and answered any questions I had. She was very kind during the whole process which ended up taking some time to get it taken care of. She kept me informed every step of the way. She kept great care to send me documents by mail and email. Cassandra was just fantastic to work with and I am so grateful to have closure from a mistake I was a young adult. If I every need a lawyer again (hopefully not of course) I would definitely contact Wolf law again for help. Thank you so much for helping me!

— Sasha

Excellent Representation

After finding myself wrongfully accused of a DUI charge, Mr. Wolf fought to show the DA that I was not guilty and ultimately got the charge dismissed. Mr. Wolf’s knowledge, professionalism, and effectiveness made me feel comfortable and confident throughout my case. He was always more than willing to answer any questions I had promptly and thoroughly. Although this was an unfortunate situation, I couldn’t have asked for better representation. I would highly recommend Mr. Wolf!

— Anonymous

Jeffrey Wolf is Everything You Could Hope for in a Defense Attorney

When a tragic situation affected our family, we immediately contacted Jeffery Wolf. We were comforted knowing that we had a knowledgeable, communicative and compassionate attorney on our side. He often answered our calls after-hours and always stayed with us after court appearances to answer all our questions. During busy times, he would be sure to send a quick note letting us know when he would get back to us and never left us wondering if he had received our inquiries. Beyond being confident that we had the best representation possible, we also knew that Jeffery really cared about us and in fact, he became an honorary member of our family. He was open and honest with us and the DA in order to come up with the best, most fair agreement. We were never left wondering what was going on or what was going to happen. We knew that Jeffery would fight for us as hard and for as long as it took. It felt wonderful knowing that we had Jeffery in our corner. Hopefully we will never need his services again, but if we do, he will be our first call. We highly recommend Jeffery Wolf for anyone who needs a lawyer and wants the best.

— Jenni DeWitt Walker

Expert Help

I am glad that I was referred to Jeff. His capable counsel turned a really big mess into a straightforward procedure. All my contacts with the entire staff at Wolf Law were outstanding. Jeff was able to explain very complicated proceedings in a way that made sense and allowed me confidence that I was fully prepared. Jeff’s professionalism both inside and outside the courtroom was an immense help during a tough time. Legal troubles are very stressful, and it is important to have someone working for you with the experience and knowledge to be able to help. Jeff provided that and more: never feeling lost in the situation was an added benefit that was priceless. I would highly recommend the team at Wolf Law.

— John B.

Professional and Honest

I was worried about looking for a lawyer because I have never done so before, but Jeff Wolf made it super easy for me and I couldn’t have been more happy with his services. He called me anytime something happened with my case or needed anything from me. He got me out of a 10 day jail sentence which really helped me since I started school this week. Honestly it was nothing but a professional and honest experience.

— Robert A.

6-Month Jail Sentence Reduced to 90 Days

I was arrested in May 2014 for a warrant that I had since 2010 for DUR, I was facing a six month jail sentence that would have caused me to lose my business, home, as well as once again re-offend me. After countless calls and conversations and meetings with numerous attorneys I was referred to Jeffery Wolf. By simply speaking with him over the phone I felt a little at ease, until I met with him and after that I was completely at ease. He made feel the way an attorney is suppose to make a client feel. He was extremely personable, caring, honest, completely honest, and very detailed as to what his process is and what will take place in court.

On the day of my hearing Jeff arrived a little early and had me wait in the hallway while he stepped into the court room and went to bat for me. The result was a 0 point violation allowing me to keep my DL, a six-month jail sentence reduced to 90 days in-home detention, and a $67 fine, which was way more than I expected.

I highly recommend Jeff he is an excellent attorney that takes your case as serious as you do. I hope I never have to hire an attorney again but if I do without a doubt Jeffrey Wolf will be my first and only thought.

— David

Great Attorney

I contacted Mr. Wolf through a reference from a separate out-of-county attorney’s office. I was very pleased with his professional attitude and staff, but mostly the results he was able to achieve for my case. I would definitely recommend Jeff and hire him again if I ever need to.

— Jeremy

Amazing Lawyer

If you’re looking for an amazing lawyer I would highly recommend Jeff Wolf and Wolf Law in general Jeff helped me every step of the way, kept me well informed about what was going on with my case, and was very responsive to every question I had and is genuinely a good dude. I appreciated all of his help and the way he handled my case. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a good lawyer cause he’s definitely the way to go thank you again Jeff!

— Jordan B

Winning the Case

Colleen Kelley came through for me when I thought all else was lost. Colleen worked diligently and kept up the fight; she was able to get the job done, and I’m so appreciative for her work.

— Randy J.

Outstanding Results

Mr. Wolf was great to work with. He explained all the aspects of my case in great detail and his communication is excellent. My case was for DUI and Jeff was able to get my sentence deferred which from my understanding, is a very rare outcome.

— Tony G