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Fraud and forgery are commonly referred to as “white-collar” crimes because they’re nonviolent and financially motivated. While fraud and forgery charges often go hand-in-hand, they are not the same and each may be charged independently.

The Denver criminal defense attorneys at Wolf Law handle a wide range of fraud and forgery cases. Our lawyers treat these charges with the seriousness they deserve, and we work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.

To learn more about your options following a Colorado fraud or forgery arrest, call Wolf Law at 720-479-8574 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Fraud and Forgery in Colorado: Definitions

According to Colorado Revised Statutes, fraud may involve several types of deceptive behavior including insurance fraud, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery.

Thief holding a social security card
Fraud can involve several types of deceptive behavior, including identity theft.

Generally speaking, fraud charges involve a wrongful act performed with the intent to gain an unfair or undeserved benefit coupled with an intent to cause harm or loss to someone else.

Forgery is categorized by severity or degree and involves “written instruments,” which include “any paper, document, or other instrument containing written or printed matter or the equivalent thereof…which is capable of being used to the advantage or disadvantage of some person.”

A person commits forgery in the first degree if, with the intent to defraud, that person falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument which is or purports to be:

  1. Money, stamps, securities, or other valuable instruments issued by a government or government agency
  2. Stock, bonds, or other instruments representing interests in or claims against a corporate or other organization or its property
  3. A deed, will, codicil (an addendum or supplement to a will), contract, assignment, commercial instrument, promissory note, check, or other instrument which affects or may affect a legal right, interest, obligation, or status
  4. A public record or an instrument filed or required by law to be filed or legally fileable
  5. A written instrument officially issued or created by a public office, public servant, or government agency
  6. Tokens, transfers, certificates, or other articles manufactured and designed for use in transportation fees upon public conveyances, or as symbols of value
  7. Lottery tickets or shares designed for use in the lottery
  8. A document-making device that may be used or is used in the production of a false identification document or in the production of another document-making implement to produce false identification documents

A person may be charged with second-degree forgery if he or she—with the intent to defraud—falsely makes, completes, alters, or utters a written instrument not described above. This may include a forged signature on a credit card receipt or providing false information on an insurance application.

Colorado Fraud and Forgery Penalties

Colorado fraud charges can range from petty offenses to felonies, depending on the value of the property, the type of property involved, and the relationship between the defendant and the victim.

Hand with tweezers holding id photo over passport as if forging the travel documents
Forgery includes falsely making, completing or altering certain “written instruments,” including passports and other documents.

A “bad check,” for example, is one that’s written to purchase something with the knowledge that the individual’s account lacks sufficient funds to cover the purchase. If a bad check is written for less than $50 dollars, it will likely be charged as a petty offense; however, if the check was written for more than $2,000, the charge escalates to a Class 6 felony, which has a minimum penalty of one year in prison and/or a $1,000 fine.

Generally speaking, the penalty for fraud increases as the value of the fraud increases.

Forgery is a type of fraud. First-degree forgery (aka felony forgery) is a Class 5 felony punishable by up to three years in prison and/or a fine of up to $100,000.

Second-degree forgery is a Class 1 misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 18 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000.

Additionally, it is illegal to knowingly possess forged instruments with the intention to use said instruments to defraud someone. Criminal possession of a forged instrument is punishable by up to 18 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $100,000. Criminal possession of a second-degree forged instrument is punishable by up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.

Lastly, possession of any device, apparatus, document-making implement (e.g., computerized template), or equipment (e.g., printing plates, dye, etc.) that does or could make forged instruments is strictly prohibited by law.

Criminal possession of forgery devices is punishable by up to 18 months in prison and/or a fine of up to $100,000.

Defending Fraud and Forgery Charges in Colorado

If you’re facing fraud or forgery charges in Colorado, the situation is not hopeless. At Wolf Law, our team is dedicated to personalized criminal defense representation for all clients, including those who may face a variety of fraud and forgery charges.

We’ll thoroughly assess your case and consider factors including:

  • Did the defendant demonstrate clear intent to defraud?
  • Did the defendant know he or she possessed forged instrument?
  • Does the document in question fit the legal definition of a forged instrument?
  • Was evidence collected lawfully?

Our criminal defense lawyers will treat you with the compassion you deserve and fight hard to get the best possible results based on your unique situation.

Get the Denver Defense Lawyer You Need

A law book with a gavel - Criminal law
If you’re facing fraud or forgery charges, one of the most important steps you can take is to consult with a criminal defense lawyer.

Fraud and forgery charges are complicated, and in some cases—such as mail fraud or the forgery of government checks or bonds—they are federal crimes.

The Denver criminal defense lawyers at Wolf Law understand the complexity and severity of these charges, and we’re here to help. We’ll conduct a comprehensive examination of the evidence and the circumstances surrounding your arrest

to mount the most effective challenge in an effort to minimize potential penalties.

If you’re being investigated for fraud or forgery, or are facing fraud and/or forgery charges, please call Wolf Law today at 720-479-8574 for a free initial consultation or contact our Denver office online.

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Professional, Passionate and Knowledgeable

This was my first experience with the law, and Jeffrey Wolf did a fantastic job of guiding me and my family through this. He was always available to answer any concerns I had, realistic in terms of what we were looking at, and passionate about getting us through this. He truly took my case to heart and was a lifesaver through a trying time. Thanks to him, I still have a chance to succeed in my career and lead a normal life!

— Tyler C.

Jeff Wolf

Jeff was very easy to work with and explained info in layman’s terms. As a side note, he gave my teenager some valuable advice on attitude as well!

— Mary Harmon

6-Month Jail Sentence Reduced to 90 Days

I was arrested in May 2014 for a warrant that I had since 2010 for DUR, I was facing a six month jail sentence that would have caused me to lose my business, home, as well as once again re-offend me. After countless calls and conversations and meetings with numerous attorneys I was referred to Jeffery Wolf. By simply speaking with him over the phone I felt a little at ease, until I met with him and after that I was completely at ease. He made feel the way an attorney is suppose to make a client feel. He was extremely personable, caring, honest, completely honest, and very detailed as to what his process is and what will take place in court.

On the day of my hearing Jeff arrived a little early and had me wait in the hallway while he stepped into the court room and went to bat for me. The result was a 0 point violation allowing me to keep my DL, a six-month jail sentence reduced to 90 days in-home detention, and a $67 fine, which was way more than I expected.

I highly recommend Jeff he is an excellent attorney that takes your case as serious as you do. I hope I never have to hire an attorney again but if I do without a doubt Jeffrey Wolf will be my first and only thought.

— David

Cassandra Monahan

Cassandra has represented me several times. She has always been professional and effective. The outcomes were better than expected and communications and empathy were top-notch. I would highly recommend!

— Aaron Olson

True representation

If you are in legal trouble Jeff is the attorney for you!
From the first consultation he was a very understanding and caring guy who tells it like it is. I had a pretty bad charge against me and due to Jeff’s knowledge and his ability to negotiate with the powers that be, he was able to get me a pretty fair deal. He was so kind, putting my mind at ease by telling me I was going to be alright as this was the first time in my life I had ever been in trouble.
In short, if you need a GREAT attorney call Wolf Law and talk to Jeff!

— Sue

A Second Chance

I cannot express enough gratitude for the exceptional legal representation provided by Attorney Monahan. Facing a daunting traffic case that left me feeling like my life was over, she stepped in and truly became my lifeline. Her expertise, dedication, and unwavering support not only secured a favorable outcome but also gave me a second chance at life.

Throughout the entire process, she exhibited professionalism and empathy, understanding the gravity of the situation while also believing in the potential for redemption. Her strategic approach and meticulous attention to detail were evident in every aspect of my case, ensuring that no stone was left unturned.

I want to emphasize that I am in no way undermining the seriousness of my actions or the potential consequences. However, thanks to her skillful advocacy, I am now able to move forward with renewed hope and determination.

I wholeheartedly recommend her and the entire team at Wolf Law to anyone in need of legal representation. Their commitment to their clients’ well-being and their relentless pursuit of justice truly sets them apart. Thank you Cassandra Monahan for giving me a second chance and for your unwavering support every step of the way.

— Andy

Domestic Violence Defense

I hired Jeff Wolf to represent me in a domestic violence defense case. The results were excellent. Him and his team are awesome. They handled everything for me. Trust your freedom with Wolf Law!

— - John D.

Colleen is one of the best!! Goes Above and Beyond

I had to use legal services regarding a personal matter and I contacted 3 other lawyers. Colleen was the only one who took time to understand the issue but only explain legally how it can be addressed.

Also, I was surprised when she got me the desired result but she kept moving forward to make sure I had material for a potential criminal case. It shows that she cares and understands legal strategies.

— Anonymous

Colleen Kelley, Esq.

Wolf Law Firm, LLC was not recommend to me by anyone, but as it turned out, was the best choice I could have made!

While searching for a lawyer for my two cases, a DUI and a trespassing felony, an understatement to say how scared I was! Wolf Law Firm caught my eye and, truthfully, it was because their firm provided a free consultation, which is invaluable in and of itself. Colleen Kelley is the attorney that picked-up the phone that day. After talking with her, I made the choice to hire her as my attorney.

We got off to a rocky start, mainly because of my inability to realize just how severe my situation was. Then, one day, Colleen just laid it on the line for me, my obvious unwillingness to face what was happening and the fact I wasn’t facing my drinking issues. It was a conversation that she was bold enough to have with me. Thanking her a million times over isn’t enough for the fortitude she had that day, not only as my attorney, but as a person genuinely concerned.

OUR outcome was more than phenomenal thanks to her diligence! I am, and will always remain, emotionally indebted to Colleen for her courage, kindness and overall, being an awesome attorney.

The day I came across Wolf Law Firm was the day, as it turned out, my life has a new beginning.

— Shelly O'Hayre

Fantastic Attorney, Thorough and Knowledgeable

When I had charges pending against me, I had a free consultation with many attorneys and ultimately hired Jeff wolf as my formal representation. Most of the attorneys’ capabilities were relatively equal, but what stuck out with Jeff was his ethics and personal investment in my outcome.

From the beginning he tried to get a thorough sense of who I was in society and represent that to the judge for sentencing. In court he pleaded my case and balanced remorse for the action with any positive attributes to gain a favorable outcome. He is well spoken and respected in court.

I liked that his payment model worked through stages that he “earned” along the way. I had a clear understanding of what to expect from him, from the court, and the most likely requirements of my sentence. And when I didn’t understand or had additional questions on one part (and I had many) he took the time to explain and discuss the options and his recommendation with me.

He had a thorough knowledge of the system and its players as well as knowledge on unusual factors related to my specific case, and he made well-thought-out recommendations with reasoning but ultimately let me make the final decision.

The result of my case was quite favorable thanks to Jeff. Great lawyer, highly recommend.

— Pam