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If you’re facing child abuse charges in Colorado, it’s in your best interests to seek immediate legal representation from a compassionate, knowledgeable attorney who can defend your rights and protect your reputation.

The Denver defense lawyers at Wolf Law understand the far-reaching impacts of child abuse charges, and we have extensive experience with these challenging and often emotionally charged cases.

If you’re being investigated for child abuse or have been charged with child abuse, please call us today at 720-479-8574 for a free consultation or contact us online to tell us your story now.

Child Abuse in Colorado

Child abuse in Colorado is broadly defined as any act or failure to act that threatens the health or welfare of a child (a person less than 16 years old). This includes but is not limited to:

  • Negligence: A lack of care that leads to harm, i.e. the failure to provide adequate food, water, shelter or medical care.
  • Physical abuse: A physical act that endangers a child’s life or results in harm.
  • Psychological abuse: Verbal abuse, manipulation and other forms of emotional cruelty that adversely impact a child’s mental well-being.
  • Sexual abuse: Any sexual activity with a child.

While the actions above are inherently detrimental to a child’s welfare, there are other actions people may not explicitly consider child abuse. There’s a fine line between discipline and abuse, but many of these actions may still result in child abuse charges.

For example:

  • Spanking a child
  • Leaving a child unattended at home or in a car
  • Driving a child while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  • Exposing a child to controlled substances or illegal drugs
  • Committing an act of domestic violence in the presence of a child
  • Failing to report suspected child abuse

Child abuse charges range from a petty offense to a Class 1 felony, depending on several factors including but not limited to the severity of any injuries and the relationship between the alleged abuser and the child.

All child abuse allegations should be taken seriously; even a misdemeanor child abuse charge could impact areas of your life including your ability to maintain contact with your child, your employment status, and your access to housing.

Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting in Colorado

In Colorado, certain professionals are required by law to report known child abuse or suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect. These so-called “mandatory reporters” include the following categories:

  • Healthcare providers, including general physicians, dentists, nurses, etc.
  • Public or private school employees, including teachers, coaches and administrative staff
  • Social workers
  • Child care providers
  • Mental health professionals
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Firefighters
  • Emergency medical responders
  • Clergy members

When it comes to reporting child abuse, Colorado encourages a better-safe-than-sorry approach. Individuals or institutions who report suspected child abuse are immune from liability if the allegations ultimately prove false as long as they made the report in good faith.

Furthermore, those who report suspected abuse to Colorado’s Child Welfare department may do so anonymously.

Exaggerated or Dishonest Child Abuse Charges

In some cases, child abuse charges may be exaggerated or arise from a misunderstanding.

For example, a family member might make a false accusation out of anger following a domestic dispute. Children may miscommunicate details of an experience due to confusion or manipulated memory. Children may also fabricate accusations without understanding the potential consequences of their actions.

Similarly, some authority figures or professionals who are mandatory reporters may overreact or jump to conclusions about suspected child abuse. Teachers, babysitters or other adults may interpret a child’s complaints about a parent or guardian as allegations of abuse. Law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys may also use Colorado’s broad statutory language regarding child neglect and abuse to amplify charges.

Acceptable Punishment vs. Child Abuse

Parents and legal guardians have a right to discipline their children within the confines of the law, though people have different opinions about what types of punishment are acceptable.

While some people oppose physical punishment such as spanking, there is a meaningful distinction between corporal punishment and criminal child abuse. Physical discipline is not by law considered child abuse.

However, if a disciplinary act leads to formal abuse charges, you may need a criminal defense lawyer to effectively argue in court that the corporal punishment was reasonable and did not cross the line from discipline and physical abuse.

Contact a Colorado Child Abuse Defense Lawyer

If you’re being investigated for alleged child abuse or are facing child abuse charges in Colorado, one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself is to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Defendants often face an uphill battle in child abuse cases because juries are predisposed to protect children and view those accused of abuse with suspicion. The accomplished criminal defense attorneys at Wolf Law have substantial experience in child abuse cases, and our lawyers are effective at guiding juries to reach a fair decision based on the law and the facts of the case.

A child abuse charge can have long-term implications for your personal freedom, your family, your child visitation/custody rights, and other facets of your life. You need an attorney on your side who understands Colorado’s ambiguous child abuse statute and who can likewise help a jury understand when a prosecutor is stretching the statute too far.

Call Wolf Law today at 720-479-8574 for a free, no-obligation consultation or contact us online to get started now.

Child abuse can be anything as simple as leaving your child in the car when you go to the grocery store, to things far more serious like broken bones, bruising, and bleeding. As a result, child abuse can be anything from a petty offense, all the way up to a very serious felony that carries mandatory prison time. Child abuse cases, often times carry a family dynamic, that’s something your lawyer needs to understand. When you are going through a divorce, or difficult marriage situation, child abuse can be used as a weapon by your spouse, your ex, or any other type of relationship. You can’t let that happen to you; there are defense in child abuse cases, reasonable parental discipline is the most common. Meaning, you can discipline your child physically in the state of Colorado; it is legal, it just has to be reasonable. That’s a pretty interesting fine line that you will need your lawyer to walk. So you need someone like me, who has handled a lot of child abuse cases, has taken them to trial, and has an overwhelmingly good results from my clients. I can’t guarantee you that your results will be the same as my prior clients, what I can guarantee you, is that I’m going to do everything I can to get the best possible outcome for your case and make sure that you don’t lose your children.

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First Rate Legal Representation

If one were to Google all the attributes that you want in legal representation, Wolf Law would check off each box. His entire staff is helpful and professional. As for Mr. Wolf himself, his expertise and straight-talk are exactly what you want and need in an attorney. The outcome of my case matched my most optimistic goal. I thoroughly endorse Wolf Law.

— Trenton

Colleen is wonderful!

Colleen was so helpful and it was comforting to have her knowledge and experience working on our emergency. She took a process we had no experience with and made us feel secure and empowered. She did so much for us, and I can’t thank her enough or recommend her more highly!

— James Sehota

The Best Lawyer I’ve Ever Come Across

I got my first DUI in April when I fell asleep in my car because I couldn’t get inside my house. I knew I needed a lawyer to help me fight the case but I was really hesitant on who I wanted to hire. I came across Jeffrey Wolf and I couldn’t be any happier that I chose him to represent me. Jeffrey is not only very professional but he can also relate to you on a personal level. Since it was my first offense I had no idea what to expect or what I was doing. He guided me through the whole process and I was very pleased with the results. He was able to convince the Judge to let me off with 6 months of unsupervised probation and level 1 education classes. Jeffrey is very loyal and a wonderful lawyer, definitely hiring him again if need be.

— Anonymous

Professional and Honest

I was worried about looking for a lawyer because I have never done so before, but Jeff Wolf made it super easy for me and I couldn’t have been more happy with his services. He called me anytime something happened with my case or needed anything from me. He got me out of a 10 day jail sentence which really helped me since I started school this week. Honestly it was nothing but a professional and honest experience.

— Robert A.

Highly Recommended!

Mr. Wolf is an incredible attorney to work with. My father and I have spent some time over the past 10 years with him, and have always seen fantastic results from different types of situations. He is very intelligent, honest, and diligent about any work brought his way.

I highly recommend Mr. Wolf and will call him first, anytime I need legal advice or representation!

Thank you Jeff!

— Greg

Colleen Kelley is the Best

I have hired Colleen previously and she did wonders including case dismissal. The flat rate fee is such a wonderful carefree situation. I wouldn’t trust anyone else when it comes to felony legal matters.

— Dustin

Fantastic Attorney, Thorough and Knowledgeable

When I had charges pending against me, I had a free consultation with many attorneys and ultimately hired Jeff wolf as my formal representation. Most of the attorneys’ capabilities were relatively equal, but what stuck out with Jeff was his ethics and personal investment in my outcome.

From the beginning he tried to get a thorough sense of who I was in society and represent that to the judge for sentencing. In court he pleaded my case and balanced remorse for the action with any positive attributes to gain a favorable outcome. He is well spoken and respected in court.

I liked that his payment model worked through stages that he “earned” along the way. I had a clear understanding of what to expect from him, from the court, and the most likely requirements of my sentence. And when I didn’t understand or had additional questions on one part (and I had many) he took the time to explain and discuss the options and his recommendation with me.

He had a thorough knowledge of the system and its players as well as knowledge on unusual factors related to my specific case, and he made well-thought-out recommendations with reasoning but ultimately let me make the final decision.

The result of my case was quite favorable thanks to Jeff. Great lawyer, highly recommend.

— Pam

Jeffrey Wolf is an Exceptional Defense Attorney

From my very first conversation, I knew that I was in good hands being represented by Jeffrey Wolf. He was extremely honest about my situation and gave me clarity about possible and likely outcomes, never sugarcoating anything. Mr. Wolf has excellent communication skills as he explained all the aspects of my case to me in great detail. He skillfully navigated me through the most difficult and stressful event of my entire life while always exhibiting concern for my personal wellbeing throughout the process.

I couldn’t have asked for a better attorney to represent me. Mr. Wolf was great during negotiations with the DA, great in the court room (which was always done via WebEx), always very calm and confident, but firm and never let himself get pushed around by anyone. As a result, Mr. Wolf negotiated a much lower sentence with the DA which allowed me to avoid prison time enabling me to be home with my wife and continue watching out for my 91 years old father.
Thank you, Mr. Wolf!

— Mike Forstner

Much Appreciation!

After a misread medical record, I was wrongly accused of a serious crime. Even though doctors admitted that the nurse misstated the severity of an injury, law enforcement tried to destroy my life. Law enforcement threatened to take away my wife, my kids and my life. I called around to a couple of attorneys, and no one offered the type of first-class customer service that Jeff provided. He was immediately available. Throughout the process, Jeff was there to guide and protect me. He was always available. And, after a long journey together, we found justice and freedom. During the process, I found Jeff to be intelligent, determined and highly personable. I strongly recommend Jeff!

— Anonymous

Case commitment

Thank you! Cassandra helped me through every step of the way. She was extremely flexible and answered anything i could ask. She was the biggest and nicest help I could ask for, on top of being resourceful she got my case done earlier than the state said. I would highly recommend Cassandra to any one she was amazing.

— Kyler A Witt