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In a physical confrontation, there’s a fine line in the difference between assault and self-defense, but the distinction is critically important since the punishment for even a misdemeanor assault charge (3rd-degree assault) can bring jail time.

The best way to explain the distinction between assault vs. self-defense is to describe the types of actions that are legally considered self-defense, realizing that if the physical encounter doesn’t fall within those boundaries, it could be considered assault.

If you have any questions about representation in an assault or self-defense matter in Denver or the surrounding counties, don’t hesitate to call Wolf Law today at (720) 479-8574 and talk with an assault defense lawyer.

Colorado’s self-defense laws allow people to:

  1. Defend a person (yourself or another person) from physical force; however, the use of deadly force is only allowed if it appears the attacker may seriously assault, kidnap, or sexually assault the person.
  2. Defend themselves within their own residence. Known as the “Make My Day Law,” in this case the use of deadly force is allowed as long as it appears that intruder might commit a crime (including robbery) and that the intruder might use physical force. This right to use deadly force is only allowed inside the residence. If the intruder is on the porch, at the door, in the yard or has left the premises, the relatively low threshold that allows for use of deadly force under Make My Day is no longer in effect.
  3. Defend a premises or other property (other than their home which is covered in #2). The ability to use deadly force in this environment comes with the same restrictions as in #1.

Most other physical altercations between people could be considered assault but in a different post, we list out some different scenarios on what could be assault or self-defense.

If you are charged with assault in Colorado, you may be charged with one of three levels:

  1. 3rd-degree assault, a misdemeanor, is knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to someone. The standard for bodily injury is very low—causing momentary pain could be included in the definition.
  2. 2nd-degree assault, a felony, is either assault using a deadly weapon or causing serious bodily injury. In some circumstances, a punch or a kick could be considered an assault.
  3. 1st-degree assault, is causing serious bodily injury, much like 2nd-degree assault, however, the bodily injury is inflicted through the use of a deadly weapon.

For both 1st and 2nd Degree assaults (collectively referred to as “crimes of violence”) the intent to cause injury must be proven. Self-defense is one possible defense that can be used in these cases.

Also, proving that the attack was a “crime of passion” committed in the “heat of the moment” could be a mitigating factor that could lessen the charge. However, if convicted of 1st or 2nd-degree assault there are mandatory prison sentences of 10-32 years under 1st degree and 5-16 years for 2nd-degree charges.

In conclusion, self-defense and assault are two very different concepts. Self-defense refers to the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or others from harm or danger. The key element of self-defense is that it is a reactive action, taken in response to a threat or attack. In contrast, assault is the intentional use of force against another person without their consent. The key element of assault is that it is a proactive action, taken with the intention to harm or intimidate another person. In self-defense, the use of force is justifiable and necessary to protect oneself or others, while in assault, the use of force is unjustifiable and illegal. The distinction between self-defense and assault is an important one, as it determines whether the use of force is legal or illegal, and whether a person will face criminal charges or not.

If you’ve been arrested for assault or have been involved in a self-defense altercation in the Denver area, you need expert legal guidance. Wolf Law has experienced criminal defense attorneys serving Coloradans facing criminal charges. Contact Wolf Law today for a free consultation.

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Sensitive Criminal Matter

At first I was unsure, working with attorneys can be so stressful and difficult to gauge if they can help you effectively. I used this firm for two different cases and I was glad that they were reasonable and didn’t tell me falsehoods. Straight to the point and don’t promise you rainbows and butterflies. That is what you want: a straight up lawyer who doesn’t give you nonsense. Be patient, they will help you and you can feel like they forgot; but that’s just how this stuff goes. Court cases take time and they have many clients, its nothing personal. When we went to court everything was laid out for me to understand and I think they prepared for each task. Each case was handled professionally and they answered all my questions. Thank you, Cassandra and Colleen

— Anonymous

Wonderful experience!

I had a wonderful experience with Wolf Law firm. Colleen Kelly treated me with the up most respect, gave me solid advice and was there every time I needed her. I highly encourage you to hire her as your attorney should you need one. My experience with her was great.

— Joe P.

Worth every penny. Wolf Law at your side.

Wolf Law LLC is an exceptional law firm that I would recommend to all in search for legal help or advice. I had a troublesome case, it had me very worried and distraught, I had no idea what to do. I talked with Jeff in a FREE consultation, he was very knowledgeable and understanding of my situation, it had made me feel a lot more comfortable about my case and the position I was in (as if I was family). Every time there was something new about my case or even if I had questions, I felt comforted and relieved, Jeff responded very quickly.

I know not every case is the same and may not be dismissed like mine was, but with Wolf Law in your corner, I believe you have a fighting chance. Thank you again Wolf Law for fighting with me!

— B. Davis

Best Possible Outcome Thanks to Wolf Law

When I walked into the office I was at a low point I can’t describe. When I talked to Jeffrey Wolf I wanted to hear, “Don’t worry, you’re going to be fine.” Instead I was told the honest truth: I was in serious trouble, but he would fight like crazy to get me the best possible outcome. After thinking about that I realized it was far better to hear the truth rather than a lawyer trying to get my business, and in the end I got exactly what Jeff said: Good advice, an excellent professional defense, and I believe the best possible outcome I could have wanted. I highly recommend Wolf Law.

— David R.

Good Outcome

Mr. Wolf offered excellent service, fast responses and prompt communication. I was so relieved that he was willing and able to take my case. He and his team are very professional and got me the best possible outcome.

— Brian

Highly Recommended

First of all, I would like to thank Colleen Kelley and all the staff at Wolf Law for helping me greatly with my legal matters. I called and was able to get consulted that same day, and the prices are very manageable. Colleen did an awesome job and took her time reviewing all the evidence and negotiating with the DA. In my first case she was able to get the charges completely dismissed, which was very impressive. I had a second case where she got me a deferred judgment deal, which was great considering the charges pending. I am very pleased with her efforts and time spent working on my case. Again, I would highly recommend Wolf Law, giving them 5/5 stars!

— Michael

100% Worth It

Jeffrey Wolf was very professional, helped me feel better through an extremely scary process, and the serious case reached a favorable outcome. Highly recommend.

— JT

Jeff Wolf was Well Worth the Investment

When you get charged with a crime it is tough to deal with, mostly because you are embarrassed and disappointed with yourself for what you have done. I was charged with theft and was very worried about what type of impact that would have on my business professional career when applying for jobs. I contacted a few lawyers but knew that Jeff was the right direction to take. He made me feel more at ease knowing that people make mistakes and that this would not effect my whole life. He was very helpful and quick to respond to any questions or concerns that I had.

During my time with Jeff he made me feel very comfortable and I knew going into everything what to expect, what to say, and how to present myself. Whether you hire a lawyer or not is your own decision. But to me what Jeff was able to provide was well worth it. I literally told him my story, how I felt and what type of outcome I was looking for on the first day. Besides showing up with him to court he did everything else and took care of everything. We were sentenced to the verdict that we were looking for and now I can move forward and put this case behind me. Thanks for all your help Jeff it was much appreciated.

— Nick

Excellent Lawyer

I would like to share my experience and recommend Jeffrey Wolf at Wolf Law for their dedication and awesome team. I had recently contacted the Wolf Law firm with a rather challenging case and he was able to get it resolved satisfactorily and for that, thank you.

— Cece M.

I Had a Great Outcome in My Case

Jeff Wolf was recommended to me by a colleague I have known since my youth. Accordingly, I met with Jeff. I also met with other attorneys in the Denver area in preparation for my legal issues. I decided to choose Jeff because I had a good feeling about him from the moment I met him and because his ethics and views regarding the vision for his legal practice were aligned with what I hoped for despite having no experience in the legal system previously.

This decision turned out to be one of the the best I have made in my life…literally. I cannot adequately express here how much Jeff’s hard work, determination, knowledge, professionalism, experience, and clear understanding of what I am certain he has a passion for (helping others beyond just being an attorney and defending clients in court) has meant for me. I think he has exceptional skills. I had a great outcome in my case due to the defense Jeff provided in court.

More importantly however, Jeff helped me manage the emotional and professional stress I felt. Jeff reassured me when I most needed reassurance, and ultimately, transform a situation I initially felt was a life changing event into a learning experience that I was able to navigate successfully through his precise and comprehensive guidance. I would recommend Jeff to any member of my family and certainly to anyone to whom his services would apply.

— C. Jackson