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Wolf Law is your primary resource for Colorado domestic abuse information and legal representation.

Colorado domestic abuse cases move quickly in our court systems; they’re pushed through as “fast-track” procedures, and without legal guidance, it’s common for victims and offenders alike to feel misrepresented or kept in the dark.

What you don’t know about Colorado’s domestic violence laws can hurt you. Call 720-479-8574 for a free consultation with a knowledgeable Denver domestic violence attorney.

Aggressive Representation for Colorado Offenders and Victims

Domestic violence cases have far-reaching implications for victims and offenders:

  • Victims may not feel represented by the police or district attorney in a domestic violence case, especially if the victim doesn’t decide to file charges against the offender. Victims deserve to have their voice heard.
  • Offenders may not know enough about Colorado’s domestic violence laws to understand the gravity of these offenses. Even minor offenses carry lifelong consequences.

This is why it’s important for alleged offenders, as well as victims, to understand the nature and implications of domestic violence in Colorado.

Wolf Law has managed hundreds of domestic abuse cases—it’s the area of law where we got started. And while we can’t guarantee a particular outcome for a case, we strive to ensure every client gets the help they need, the representation they deserve, and a fair trial.

Call 720-479-8574 for a free consultation with a Denver domestic violence lawyer.

Colorado Domestic Violence Laws

Domestic violence cases are unique in our legal system. Colorado does not have a specific statute detailing domestic violence the same way our criminal code covers physical assault.

Because of this, domestic violence is not considered a standalone offense and is instead tacked on to other criminal charges. In legal terms, this is called a “sentence enhancer” or an “aggravator.”

According to Colorado revised statutes, “domestic violence means an act or threatened act of violence upon a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate relationship…”

The criminal code also includes acts of violence against the property; municipal ordinance violations against a person, or his or her property (including animals); and especially when the property is used to coerce, control, punish, intimidate, or exact revenge against a person whom the offender has been involved with intimately.

Colorado defines “intimate relationship” in the following way:

“… a relationship between spouses, former spouses, past or present unmarried couples, or persons who are both the parents of the same child regardless of whether the persons have been married or have lived together at any time.”

Understanding how Colorado defines domestic violence terms will help offenders and victims know what steps to take following a domestic incident.

domestic violence lawyer in Denver, Colorado

Immediate Arrests in Domestic Violence Cases

Colorado enforces a mandatory arrest law in domestic violence cases. This means if the police get called to a residence and they determine probable cause, someone is going to jail.

A minor domestic incident can quickly escalate to serious domestic abuse charges.

For example, if a harassment charge is alleged by a victim, and it’s found the victim and offender were involved in an intimate relationship (past or present), law enforcement is required to make an immediate arrest to ensure the continued safety of the alleger, as well as the safety of other occupants in a home.

There are no “take backs” with regards to domestic violence allegations.

Once a domestic violence incident has been charged there’s no avoiding certain immediate, legal repercussions: 

  • Law enforcement must arrest an offender if they feel there is probable cause that a confrontation involved domestic violence.
  • Offenders will be taken to jail and may be required to spend the night there; offenders remain in jail until a judge can set a bond amount.
  • A domestic violence case can’t be dismissed if the accuser doesn’t want to press charges; instead, the prosecuting agency must declare to the court under oath that he or she can’t prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you’ve been involved in a domestic abuse incident and you’re not sure what to do, call Wolf Law at 720-479-8574.

Facts About Domestic Violence in Colorado

Accusations of domestic violence are not rare in Colorado. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), the frequency and severity of domestic abuse can vary dramatically.

Here are some quick facts every Colorado resident should know:

  • In 2014, 16,700 people reported one or more domestic violence crimes to Colorado law enforcement.
  • In the same year, 25 Coloradans were killed by former or current intimate partners; nearly 70% of those victims were killed by a gun.
  • More than 300,000 people in Colorado are stalked during their lifetime.
  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the U.S. have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.
  • The presence of a gun in the home during a domestic violence incident increases the risk of homicide by at least 500%.
  • Nearly 80% of Colorado domestic abuse programs lack important resources to serve victims and their families.

Share these facts about domestic violence with friends and family, and learn to recognize common signs of domestic abuse.

Common signs of domestic violence include: 

  • Bruising or injuries that may have been caused by choking, punching, or being thrown; black eyes and sprained wrists are common injuries suffered by victims
  • Attempting to hide injuries with clothing or makeup
  • Making excuses for the cause of injuries; repeatedly blaming injuries on clumsy behavior
  • Having few friends or purposefully avoiding social interactions with coworkers or family
  • Having to ask for permission to meet or talk with other people
  • Having little or no money, no credit cards, and/or limited access to a car

Most relationships go through rough patches, and even happy couples argue now and then. Domestic violence is not a disagreement. Domestic violence is a pattern of abuse used to control the behavior of another.

Signs of domestic abuse can be shadowy, especially domestic abuse against men. If you or a loved one needs help getting out of an abusive relationship, contact the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) for relief.

CCADV works with a network of advocacy programs throughout Colorado to aid appropriate and comprehensive responses to family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence. If you’re a victim of domestic abuse, the next call you should make is to Wolf Law. 

If you’ve been charged with domestic violence, you need Wolf Law. If convicted of domestic violence, significant federally mandated restrictions and provisions related to gun ownership, security clearances, government employment, military service, and even deportation will follow.

If you have any questions related to domestic abuse, we want to hear from you.

Call Wolf Law at 720-479-8574 for a free, confidential consultation with a Denver domestic violence lawyer or contact us online.

At Wolf Law we handle a lot of domestic violence cases; they are some of the most prevalent in our system. People get charged with domestic violence all the time, and they often need to have an attorney because domestic violence can be very different from most other cases. Some of the ways they’re different is you need to understand that if you are being investigated for, or charged with a misdemeanor or felony domestic violence case, you will be required to spend a night in jail. That’s because the law says that your bond has to be set by a judge in person. So, there are a lot of attorneys out there that tell people they don’t have to go to jail, or they’ll make it so they don’t have to go to jail; they’re wrong! They don’t know what they are talking about. You need to be prepared for that, your attorney needs to be able to help you prepare for that. Another way domestic violence cases are different is that you can’t just expect that if your wife, girlfriend or even a former partner, wants this case dismissed and says it didn’t happen, that the case is going to go away. The law has taken that decision out of their hands. They’ve put it in the hands of the prosecutor, only the prosecutor whether it is a city attorney, district attorney, or any other type of prosecuting agency; they are the only ones that can dismiss a case. They have to be able to stand up in court, under oath and tell a judge that they cannot prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt that is the only way for a case to be dismissed. Another large, large difference in domestic violence cases is that unlike any other case, you can have your prior criminal episodes, prior charges, prior dismissed cases or even allegations when you were never charged or put into the court system can be brought in and used against you. Also, and important to remember is that any domestic violence conviction will trigger the Lautenberg Amendment, a federal law stating that you can never possess a firearm ever again. Your gun rights can be implicated for the rest of your life on a domestic violence conviction. You need to speak with an attorney prior to making any decisions on these cases, because the consequences can be felt for the rest of your life. The reason that I handle so many domestic violence cases is that is where my career started. When I was a public defender at the very beginning of my career the court room I worked in handled all domestic violence cases, all day. Every type of charge you can imagine under the domestic violence statutes are cases I started my career handling. I can’t guarantee an outcome for any of my future clients, but what I can tell you is, is that with my experience in domestic violence, if there is a way out I will find it.

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Understanding, Patient, Helpful

Working with Jeff was the best choice I could have made for my circumstances. Not only did he take his time in hearing my side but also those around me. This allowed me to take care of myself as I moved through the legal process and provide the best results possible. Thank You for all the Help Jeff!!

— Anonymous

Thanks for your help

Cassandra Monahan helped me get the best results I needed for my case. I highly recommend! Much appreciated!

— Melissa

Highly Professional

Jeffrey Wolf handled my traffic violation in a highly professional manner, giving it the same consideration and time as a more challenging case, during a very stressful time in my life. As soon as the accident happened, he was there to offer advice and help. He went to court for me, so I would not have to take time off of work to go. His care and concern for my well-being was top-notch. Thank you so much, Jeff!

— Carol P.

Great results. Great to work with.

I had an amazing experience working with Wolf Law, and specifically Cassandra Monahan. I was involved in a car accident and Miss Monahan not only got the ticket dismissed, but did it quickly and effectively. Moreover, she was great to work with, showing a genuine care for me and my case. I would highly recommend Wolf Law and Cassandra for anyone who needs representation with respect and results!

— Rob T.

Amazing Service and Representation

I had the pleasure of working with Cassandra on a petition I was making to the court. Cassandra’s representation was amazing. She communicated exactly what would be required of me. She set realistic expectations of how the process would work and kept me updated on where my petition was i the judicial process. I give Cassandra Monahan and Wolf Law my highest recommendation if you need someone on your side in the judicial system.

Thank you Cassandra for everything you did. I appreciate you!!!

— Mark J.

A Light in the Darkness

Most people live their lives never dreaming they would ever need the services of a criminal defense attorney. But, sometimes, life takes a hard left turn with no warning and you can find yourself in a very dark and scary place. When that happened to us we didn’t know where to turn. But, our daughter did. An old classmate and friend, Jeffrey Wolf, was the person to call. So we did. We called an attorney but a hero was who showed up. Mr Wolf is a picture of competence with compassion. He alleviated many of our fears and answered every question with confidence. During this most difficult time he made it possible for us to continue to live our lives and actually sleep at night knowing that we were in the best possible hands. Our family will be forever grateful to Mr Wolf as he truly is a Light in the Darkness.

— LaVerna J DeWitt

A Great Help in a Time of Turbulence

After being convicted of a DUI for marijuana, I quickly searched for an attorney. I chose to contact Wolf Law first because of the certifications and positive reviews that I saw. I am very glad that I made this choice. This was my first time in trouble with the law, so I didn’t quite know how to handle the situation, but with just a few meetings, phone calls, and emails I felt confident towards the resolution of my issues. Jeff explained everything thoroughly and made sure I knew everything I needed to know and more. I personally needed only a few meetings and talks, but I know that Jeff would be glad to meet or talk as much as necessary. He is clearly very passionate about his work and is a well of legal knowledge. I began with several charges and seeing an overwhelmingly bad outcome in my future, but as Jeff and Wolf Law fought for me, the charges faded away until only one remained and even it was reduced. I left with what I view as the best possible outcome for my given situation. Wolf Law not only helped mitigate the consequences of my mistake, but also granted me great comfort and guidance through the whole experience.

— Bryan C.

I Recommend Jeff Wolf to Anyone Needing Legal Defense

I retained the services of Jeff Wolf after I received a DUI. During the free consultation, Jeff reviewed his services and the details of what would happen before, during and after my trial. He was very thorough, supportive and diligent in ensuring all my questions were answered. I am thrilled with the level of service he provided for an extremely reasonable fee. Jeff was accessible and reassuring throughout this entire process. The end-result of my hearing was exactly what I had expected based on Jeff’s counseling. This is a direct result of his knowledge and experience with the court and the system. I was very impressed with his closing presentation in court and his professionalism and felt that the judge reduced my fines and my sentence because of Jeff’s efforts. I have already recommended him to two other people and will continue to recommend him to anyone requiring the services of a defense attorney.

— Monty

I Trust My Future with Jeffery A. Wolf

My experience was very hard like many others facing any criminal charges against them. Jeffery A. Wolf was a very compassionate, caring individual that was there to help me through the entire court process. He is very knowledgeable about criminal law and was very helpful, getting my family and me through the whole criminal process. He fought for me in a time I needed someone the most, ensuring me that he was there for me and out to get the best results as possible from the court system. What an outstanding man to fight for the truth and be there for anyone with criminal charges, explaining the whole process very methodically and being pin point with all the facts. I was very confident in his experiences and knowledge that I would only trust my future with Jeffery A. Wolf. I had a great experience with him, allowing me to have the life I am here to live.

— Adam B.

Excellent Attorney

We hired Jeff to take over my son’s case after our first attorney (from another firm) showed up to his first court date late, looking homeless, and worst of all, having absolutely no knowledge of the case. We hired Jeff who did an excellent job explaining the process and how to get the outcomes we were fighting for. My son was facing years in Jail and a class 2 felony on his record as a teenager. He was able to plead the case down to a deferred sentence with no jail time and in record time. The entire process took a little over 6 weeks. When we went to court for my son to accept his sentence, I could tell that a big reason Jeff gets the outcomes he does is due to his professionalism and good working relationships with his colleagues in the Justice system. Thank you, Jeff. I got my first good night’s sleep in a long time last night. I will be forever grateful to you. Thank you so much for helping my son keep his future in his control.

— D