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Defence against false accusations of domestic violence

Those making false allegations of domestic abuse use lies, exaggerations, and half-truths as weapons. You could face criminal charges, and—if you are convicted—imprisonment and long-lasting damage to your personal and professional life could be in your future.

You could also be responsible for paying losses. The accuser could pursue compensation for medical and psychological care, housing, and lost income.

If you have been wrongly accused, you know that fear of an uncertain outcome is a natural response. Yet, can you trust justice to prevail unassisted? At Wolf Law LLC, our experienced lawyers know that the best way to achieve a fair outcome is to meet the legal requirements to prove innocence.

Take Immediate Action After Being Falsely Accused

Research studies show that false accusations of physical abuse can lead to suffering for the accused and his or her family and friends. 

The stages of trauma could include:

  • Shock, withdrawal, and panic
  • Anger
  • Fear and loss of self-confidence
  • Depression and guilt
  • Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (such as panic attacks and flashbacks)

Though your first reaction might be to panic, emotional reactions can cloud your judgment. Remain calm. The following advice can help you focus on making rational decisions and avoid actions that could worsen your situation.

Limit contact

Domestic violence happens between people who live in the same home. At the arraignment, a judge might impose a restraining order or criminal protective order. If so, you will likely need to make alternative living arrangements to follow court orders unless the accuser moves out. 

Avoiding communication with the accuser, including through other people, can also protect you. Anything you say can be misinterpreted or used against you later. If a person is determined to frame you for a crime, you don’t want to give any grounds for additional false claims. 

Being falsely accused of domestic violence can be disturbing and painful. Yet, resist the temptation to vent your frustrations on social media. Online content can be misconstrued, so staying offline is part of the most effective defense strategy. 

Gather evidence disproving false accusations

False domestic violence accusations are difficult to dispute. It is often one person’s word against another’s. Preserving evidence supporting your version of events can help clarify matters. 

First, write down everything you can recall about the interaction with the person accusing you. Include specific details like when you arrived home, what you discussed, and when you left. Keep text messages, emails, and receipts that can prove your whereabouts and activities during the alleged event. 

If you have cameras in or around your home, download the relevant video footage. Many services only keep your files for a limited time, so be sure to get a copy of the evidence before it’s too late. Collect evidence to establish not only what happened but also what did not happen.

You should also record the names and contact details of anyone corroborating your account. For instance, your employer or neighbor might serve as character witnesses or provide alibis. Medical records are helpful in court proceedings where the accuser is the actual abuser. 

Take advantage of your rights 

Police officers can make mistakes, too. Some discriminate against people based on gender, race, religion, or other factors. Thus, you must be careful about what you say to law enforcement officers.

Knowing your rights during searches, questioning, or arrests is crucial. Remember, you have the right to remain silent before, after, and during an arrest. You also have the right to request a criminal defense attorney, and you should do so as early as possible.

The team at Wolf Law LLC can intervene, handling your defense from start to finish. Our lawyers can help you identify questions designed to trick you into admitting false allegations.

Prepare to Counter False Domestic Violence Accusations

Understanding why people make false domestic abuse allegations contributes to strong defenses. 

Commonly, false claims originate in:

  • Anger
  • Jealousy 
  • Revenge
  • Control

Consider whether there is a reason a false accuser wants to destroy your reputation and personal relationships. Knowing the motives behind an accuser’s claims can equip your lawyer to challenge his or her credibility. This insight also guides court strategies to present evidence that exposes the truth.

Get Your Life Back

You are innocent until proven guilty, but it might not feel that way. Never let the legal consequences of a false conviction run unchecked. Accusations of domestic violence could ruin your career, family relationships, and reputation in the community. 

The prosecution’s case needs to prove the false domestic violence charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet, that is a difficult task even with resourceful and experienced legal representation on your side.

An experienced attorney at Wolf Law LLC can help you properly defend yourself, protect your best interests, and reveal the truth. Take the first step today to fight against allegations of domestic violence by learning your legal options. Schedule a free consultation with our compassionate and knowledgeable team by calling (720) 479-8574.