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Mark Redwine Starts Court Preceedings

Dylan Redwine was visiting his father for the Thanksgiving holiday in 2012 when he disappeared. On two separate occasions, Dylan’s remains were found within eight miles of his father’s home in Plata County, Colorado.

This week, after delays that were exacerbated by COVID-19, Mark Redwine, who was arrested for murdering his son in 2017, is expected to begin court proceedings.

Despite unfavorable forensic evidence, including Dylan’s blood in and around the Redwine property, Mark Redwine maintains his innocence, speaking openly to reporters and even pleading his case on Dr. Phil in 2013.

How does speaking to the press impact a criminal defense? “It’s obviously a defense attorney’s nightmare,” says Denver defense attorney and Court TV correspondent Jeffrey Wolf.

In a recent Court TV interview, Wolf discussed how press coverage can change the optics of a high-profile case and reviews strategies the defense might use to improve Redwine’s presentation in court.