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Former Maxim Model Murder Case

Former MAXIM model, Kelsey Turner, faces murder charges for the death of Dr. Thomas Burchard, a 71-year-old psychiatrist. According to police, Burchard had an intimate relationship with Turner and paid rent on a Las Vegas home where Turner lived with her boyfriend and roommate. Domestic violence charges were filed against Turner’s boyfriend about a month before the couple allegedly killed Burchard. Was Turner under the violent control of her boyfriend when the murder took place? 

“That’s exactly what they’re going to say,” said Denver defense attorney and Court TV correspondent Jeffrey Wolf. “This is the best defense for her, and it’s also very likely what happened.”

Denver defense attorney and Court TV correspondent Jeffrey Wolf weighs in following the release of new body camera footage taken during the arrest of George Floyd in Minneapolis. At what point in the arrest did it go from lawful to unlawful?

“He is begging for mercy, begging for some humanity the entire encounter, and he doesn’t get it,” said Wolf. “Essentially, he’s mugged by officers…for an alleged counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. There isn’t a time when it turns criminal…this is criminal from start to finish.”