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Denver Criminal Defense Blog

December 19, 2023

First Offense DUI

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) occurs when someone drives a car after drinking alcohol or using drugs. If you are facing a DUI arrest for the first time, the penalties...

December 18, 2023

How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record?

Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense. An error that may seem small, such as missing a traffic stop, can carry significant legal...

December 15, 2023

What Is Good Evidence in a Sexual Assault Case?

Being accused of sexual assault is a serious legal matter that can have far-reaching consequences for your personal, professional, and even financial well-being. A conviction can bring jail time, sex...

September 29, 2023

What Evidence is Needed for a DUI Conviction?

In 2022, some 16,180 people were arrested for driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit in Colorado. However, there is a difference...

September 28, 2023

How to Drop Charges Against Someone for Assault

When you have been charged with domestic violence or general assault and the alleged victim wishes to drop the assault charges, you might think it’s as simple as making a...

September 26, 2023

Statute of Limitations on Sexual Assault

Sexual assault and child sexual abuse are extremely serious offenses. Victims of sexual assault may wait an extended period before deciding to pursue a criminal complaint. One pressing question arises:...

July 28, 2023

How To Beat A Probation Violation In Colorado

Probation offers an alternative to serving jail time when facing criminal charges. It is a sentence itself with many conditions to complete. Failing to complete the conditions can create a...

July 12, 2023

Should I Get a Lawyer for My First DUI?

Getting arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) can be a terrifying experience, especially if it's your first time. You have to deal with legal consequences and potential fines, and...

July 5, 2022

Update! Colorado Drug Laws 2022

It’s summer, which means more Colorado residents are enjoying the great outdoors, attending concerts, and getting together with family and friends. Sometimes parties end up involving alcohol and other substances,...

February 23, 2022

Understanding Colorado’s Sex Offender Registry

Colorado’s sex crime laws are complex and include a range of potential outcomes, from misdemeanor charges to felonies. A conviction for a sex crime can affect an individual’s reputation, finances,...

November 16, 2021

Flaws in Our Justice System, Part IV: The Impossible Impartial Jury

This is Part IV of a four-part series published by Wolf Law, LLC, which aims to highlight and discuss flaws in the U.S. criminal justice system. This series is meant...

October 7, 2021

Flaws in Our Justice System, Part III: The Overworked Public Defender

This is Part III of a four-part series published by Wolf Law, LLC, which aims to highlight and discuss flaws in the U.S. criminal justice system. This series is meant to be...

September 1, 2021

Different Types of Cybercrimes

As technology advances and the world becomes more connected to the internet, the number of cybercrimes has dramatically increased. Cybercrime cases, or crimes that are committed against a person or...

July 30, 2021

Different Types of Fraud in Colorado

Fraud may be one of the most well-known white-collar crimes, but many people don’t know that there are several deceptive activities that qualify as “fraud.” Fraud is defined as a...

July 1, 2021

Flaws in the Justice System, Part II: The Bail System & Pretrial Detention

This is Part 2 of a four-part series published by Wolf Law, LLC, which aims to highlight and discuss flaws in the U.S. criminal justice system. This series is meant to be...

May 25, 2021

Colorado Drug Laws: Your Summer Recap

Denver is lifting capacity limits and distancing requirements in nearly all settings and is also relaxing face-covering mandates across the state. But before you (or your teens!) hit the street...