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When most people think about domestic violence, they picture a woman being abused by a man.

While it’s true that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, the statistics regarding domestic violence against men are equally horrifying.

A 2010 survey conducted by the CDC and the Department of Justice shows that, in that year, more men were victims of domestic violence than women. The survey also revealed that over 40% of all severe physical violence is directed at men.

Women and Violence

People change, and so do relationships. The stresses of daily life, taking care of a family, and the desire to make more money can take their toll on anyone, men and women alike. And yet, as a society, we tend to think of men as being the ones who lash out when they can’t handle anger or stress.

But that’s simply not true. Dr. Elizabeth Bates, of the University of Cumbria, along with partners at the University of Central Lancashire, conducted a study to assess the physical aggression and controlling behavior exhibited by both sexes.

What they found was shocking: women exhibit a stronger desire to control their partners and were even more likely to use physical aggression than men.

Domestic violence committed by women generally involves less physical harm than a man might, but that doesn’t make it less wrong. A woman who’s petite and has little muscle tone can still inflict a lot of physical and psychological damage on her partner.

Women may be more inclined to use household items as weapons to leverage the odds in their favor and men, held back by the social and cultural backlash of hitting a woman, are less likely to retaliate.

Violence in Homosexual Relationships

You might think that the dynamic in a same-sex relationship would decrease the odds of domestic violence happening, but you’d be wrong. The CDC reports that lesbians and gay men experience both domestic and sexual violence at rates equal to or higher than those in heterosexual relationships.

This particular study addresses both men and women but still demonstrates that women can become violent in any type of intimate relationship.

How Violence Against Men Affects Children

Every year, more than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their own homes. Regardless of whether the act is committed by a man or a woman, domestic violence has a massive impact on children.

Not only can it be permanently traumatizing, but it can pose a great risk to the safety of the child. They’re more likely to suffer neglect and have health problems down the road. They’re also more likely to intervene when the domestic violence dispute is between their parents, placing them at great risk for injury.

Fathers who have children and an abusive partner are in a tricky situation. If they seek help, it might break up the family, a fear that persists despite the fact that the violence itself is already causing the family dynamic to crumble.

Fathers also have to be concerned that the police, judge, and jury in a domestic violence case will side with the mother, especially if she is lying about how the events unfolded. Many women will simply claim that they were acting in self-defense and that the male actually hit them first, in order to get custody of the children.

Without hardcore evidence such as pictures, audio, or video, fathers may find their children in the hands of their abusive partner permanently.

What Options do Men Have?

Unfortunately, the odds are in the woman’s favor. Under current Colorado law, the best course of action for a man who is being abused is to leave the abusive partner before he ends up in jail as a result of her attacks and accusations.

It is far better for a man to leave the abusive household before he has a chance to be wrongly charged with domestic violence.

If you have proof of your injuries or visible bruising, scratching, etc., you have the grounds to file a restraining order and make her leave the house.

You could also go the route of waiting until she is away from home, packing your belongings, and leaving on your own. In any case, it’s likely that you’ll experience some skepticism from police or courthouse employees when claiming abuse by your wife/partner. The moral of the story for men is, before you make a single move, talk to an attorney.

Speak Up: End the Cycle

We’ve covered a lot of facts about domestic violence, but the number one fact about domestic violence is that most incidents are never even reported, especially when it’s a man suffering the abuse.

For the chain to be broken, it’s critical that you speak up and talk about domestic violence against men. Sharing your story can encourage those in a similar situation to seek help before it’s too late. It could even help save a life.

Unfortunately, domestic violence is not just a women’s issue. Anybody can commit domestic abuse against their loved ones, and it happens all the time.

These cases should never be handled alone. Colorado’s “fast track” procedures are an even better reason to speak to an attorney who knows the nuances of domestic violence laws.

The outcome of a domestic violence case can affect every aspect of your life, including where you live and even your right to own a gun. Don’t wait until it’s too late If you’ve been charged with, or have been a victim of domestic violence, call the attorneys at Wolf Law today. Your call and consultation are free and confidential.

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Very helpful with my legal issue – Highly recommend

Cassandra helped me through the process of of fighting a charge that was not correct. I could not have done it without her. She was very professional and explained the process before and during when I had to show up at court. The case was dropped..

Thank you Cassandra –

— CABeardsley

Look No Further – Jeff is the Best

I was falsely accused of a crime with serious consequences, was very depressed and got even more depressed and frustrated as I was interviewing attorneys to defend me. They had a broad spectrum of approaches and some were ready to head to trial immediately as it seemed they were primarily interested in battles and my money rather than my best interests. The first one was extremely arrogant and rushed to get me off the phone. My court appearance date was approaching and I was ready to give up when I came across Jeffrey’s website. I read he had once also been falsely accused which motivated him to become an attorney. After further reading, his philosophy appealed to me so I set up a free session.

I met with Jeffrey and told him what happened. He explained the alleged crime and potential consequences and then spoke about himself and his approach. I spent more time than the “free time” allocated but was never rushed. He listened, believed me and was really genuine as I had not witnessed before with other attorneys.

By the time we finished talking, I felt respected and not disrespected as I found out with this accusation, you are guilty until proven innocent from most everyone’s perspective. I hired Jeff on the spot and when I left his office, I felt this big burden lifted off my shoulders as I knew I could trust him to do his best for me. I was finally able to sleep that night and after several weeks able to put this out of my mind as being the constant main focus.

If you are seeking a very knowledgeable, trustworthy, caring, honest and respectful attorney, Jeffrey fits the bill. He is a great listener and never rushed me even with a flat fee rate. He has a good rapport with the Court who also respectfully listens to him. He is well spoken in the courtroom. I have seen him in several cases reaching very good settlements for his clients. On my case, he provided me his opinion with his rationale as to how I should proceed but allowed me to then make a decision as to go to trial or take a plea bargain. He would fully support my decision either way. Jeff is very good in providing the pros and cons, risks, and potential scenarios that may play out. My case will be dismissed shortly and record sealed as a result of Jeff’s hard work, negotiations, poking holes in the accuser’s story pre-trial, and dedication to my satisfactory case resolution. If you want the best, look no further as you have found him. Thank you Jeff!

— David C.

Expert Help

I am glad that I was referred to Jeff. His capable counsel turned a really big mess into a straightforward procedure. All my contacts with the entire staff at Wolf Law were outstanding. Jeff was able to explain very complicated proceedings in a way that made sense and allowed me confidence that I was fully prepared. Jeff’s professionalism both inside and outside the courtroom was an immense help during a tough time. Legal troubles are very stressful, and it is important to have someone working for you with the experience and knowledge to be able to help. Jeff provided that and more: never feeling lost in the situation was an added benefit that was priceless. I would highly recommend the team at Wolf Law.

— John B.

Jeff Wolf

Jeff was very easy to work with and explained info in layman’s terms. As a side note, he gave my teenager some valuable advice on attitude as well!

— Mary Harmon

Working with Mr. Wolf

I cannot speak high enough of Mr. Jeffrey Wolf! He was very pleasant to work with and explained each step of the journey from start to the final video teleconference with the judge. He negotiated a much lower sentence with the DA from DUI to DWAI. He reiterated several points that were then considered by the judge and taken into account in deciding my sentence. He was always prompt in any communications and worked tirelessly on my case to get a very favorable outcome for me. I would whole-heartedly recommend Mr. Wolf as you can be ensured it felt like I was an individual that truly mattered to him and his practice. From the very first phone call, I had nothing but respect for him and felt I was in good hands, that he then proved! You can’t go wrong with Mr. Jeffrey Wolf!

— - L

Worth every penny. Wolf Law at your side.

Wolf Law LLC is an exceptional law firm that I would recommend to all in search for legal help or advice. I had a troublesome case, it had me very worried and distraught, I had no idea what to do. I talked with Jeff in a FREE consultation, he was very knowledgeable and understanding of my situation, it had made me feel a lot more comfortable about my case and the position I was in (as if I was family). Every time there was something new about my case or even if I had questions, I felt comforted and relieved, Jeff responded very quickly.

I know not every case is the same and may not be dismissed like mine was, but with Wolf Law in your corner, I believe you have a fighting chance. Thank you again Wolf Law for fighting with me!

— B. Davis

Jeffrey Wolf is Everything You Could Hope for in a Defense Attorney

When a tragic situation affected our family, we immediately contacted Jeffery Wolf. We were comforted knowing that we had a knowledgeable, communicative and compassionate attorney on our side. He often answered our calls after-hours and always stayed with us after court appearances to answer all our questions. During busy times, he would be sure to send a quick note letting us know when he would get back to us and never left us wondering if he had received our inquiries. Beyond being confident that we had the best representation possible, we also knew that Jeffery really cared about us and in fact, he became an honorary member of our family. He was open and honest with us and the DA in order to come up with the best, most fair agreement. We were never left wondering what was going on or what was going to happen. We knew that Jeffery would fight for us as hard and for as long as it took. It felt wonderful knowing that we had Jeffery in our corner. Hopefully we will never need his services again, but if we do, he will be our first call. We highly recommend Jeffery Wolf for anyone who needs a lawyer and wants the best.

— Jenni DeWitt Walker

Expedient, Thorough and Effective

Fortunately, I don’t find myself needing legal representation often…only once before have I needed an attorney. My situation was interesting…I was given a disorderly conduct summons and felt it was far beyond the pale in terms of its validity. I didn’t want this on my record and needed help navigating the legal process. I did some research on a few attorneys and read about Jeff Wolf’s practice. I called Jeff and we spoke the same day. He listened to me and I met with him a few days later. He took the time to explain his process and approach, which made sense to me and seemed to be in the right dollar range for what we were dealing with. Thankfully, my case was dismissed. Jeff took the time to show the DA that there were inconsistencies all over the place and that there was no way I was guilty…likely shouldn’t have even been issued a summons. As I said to Jeff, I hope I never have to talk with him again, but I won’t hesitate to call if need be.

— Christian

Complete Satisfaction

Jeff took on 2 cases for me with complete success. He is extremely sharp and confident. Jeff really gets to know his clients and is very sympathetic to their needs.
The relationships he has with prosecutors and the judges was pure respect. When he spoke he had the ears of the courtroom. He speaks very eloquent and exudes confidence that translates into the result I was looking for, “Case Dismissed.”

I highly recommend his services. If you are need of his services you will get more than what you pay for.

— Steven L.

I Couldn’t Have Asked for a Better Lawyer

Until the night of my DUI, I had never been in trouble before so one could only imagine how scared I was. Facing a DUI with a possible felony/assault charge, I honestly wasn’t sure how I was going to get through it all. I happened to find Jeffrey Wolf through another lawyer. After meeting with him in person, I knew immediately that he was going to help me. I was a complete wreck from day 1 and yet he made me feel at ease with every meeting, phone call and court appearance.

One of the traits I appreciated most was his honesty. Mr. Wolf told me straight up from the beginning what could happen and what I was facing but reassured me that he would do everything he could to get me through it with the best outcome. Having him there with me through this process and through every court appearance with him by my side made it easier to handle and I am so grateful to have worked with him. At the end of it all, I was able to get probation with a deferred judgment on my case. I would absolutely refer Mr. Wolf to any of my friends and/or family!

— Nichole G.