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Colorado DUI Laws: What You Need to Know (and Do) After an Arrest

In Colorado, driving under the influence (DUI) remains a serious concern for law enforcement and public safety. Colorado Crime Statistics indicate that 17,537 DUI cases were filed in 2023. This number highlights the ongoing problem of alcohol-related driving offenses in our state and the importance of understanding DUI laws and their consequences.

Wolf Law LLC aims to help you understand your rights if you get arrested for DUI. This article will provide essential knowledge on what to do during a DUI arrest and the steps to take afterward. We will look at how to deal with both criminal and administrative penalties for multiple alcohol-related driving violations.

Understanding Colorado’s DUI Laws

Colorado takes a firm stance on drunk driving. The state has laws designed to deter alcohol misuse and punish those who choose to operate a motor vehicle while impaired.

Colorado’s DUI laws are complex and multifaceted, covering various aspects of impaired driving:

  • DUI vs. DWAI: In Colorado, you can be charged with DUI if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 or higher. However, you can also face a charge of Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) if your BAC is between 0.05 and 0.079.
  • Zero tolerance for underage drivers: For drivers under 21, any BAC of 0.02 or higher can result in one or more DUI penalties.
  • Marijuana and other drugs: Colorado law also applies to drug-related driving offenses. These include driving under the influence of marijuana or other drugs, including prescription medication.

Being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado can be a shocking and disorienting experience. In the moments following your arrest, you should remain calm and remember that your actions and words can significantly impact your criminal case.

Your Rights and Responsibilities During a DUI Stop

When pulled over on suspicion of DUI, it is crucial to know your rights and responsibilities. Understanding Colorado law can help you protect your legal interests. 

Here are some rights of which you should be aware:

  • You have the right to remain silent. You can decline to answer questions about where you have been or whether you have been drinking.
  • Field sobriety tests are voluntary. You can refuse to participate without legal penalty.
  • Colorado’s Express Consent law means that you have agreed to a chemical test, if arrested for DUI, just by driving on public roads. Refusing a chemical test after arrest can result in having your driver’s license revoked or a driving privilege restraint. The fact you refuse the chemical test can also be used against you in court. Additionally, some jurisdictions have started to get warrants to force your blood to be drawn even after you refuse.

Immediate Steps to Take After a DUI Arrest

If you find yourself arrested for DUI in Colorado, taking the right steps immediately after can significantly impact the outcome of your case. 

Consider taking the following crucial actions:

  • Write down everything you remember about the DUI arrest. Make a note of the officer’s behavior, any tests administered, and conversations that took place.
  • If you were involved in an accident or feel unwell, seek medical care immediately. This could be important if there are questions about your blood alcohol level or the presence of drugs in your system.
  • Reach out to an experienced DUI lawyer as soon as possible. Early intervention can be crucial in building a strong defense against the alleged crime. Having an attorney present during questioning can protect your rights as you fight the DUI charges. Do not talk about your arrest on social media or with anyone other than your attorney.
  • Do not delay taking legal action. You have only 7 days from the date of your arrest to request a hearing with the Department of Motor Vehicles to contest your license suspension, so do not delay.

The Legal Process Following a DUI Arrest

The legal process after a DUI arrest can be complex and intimidating. It is important to understand that there are two separate proceedings you will need to deal with. These are the DMV hearing and the criminal court process.

The DMV hearing

The DMV hearing, also known as a Motor Vehicle Hearing, is separate from your criminal case and focuses solely on your driving privileges. This administrative process is crucial as it determines whether you will retain your driving privileges while your criminal case is pending.

At this hearing, the DMV will consider:

  • Whether the police officer had reasonable grounds to contact you
  • Whether you have a prior conviction
  • Whether you refused chemical testing or if your BAC was over the legal limit

It is crucial to have a DUI attorney present at this hearing, as the outcome can impact your ability to drive.

The criminal court process

When someone is charged with a DUI (driving under the influence), he or she must go through several steps in the criminal court system.

For your first court appearance (arraignment), you will go to court for the first time and plead either guilty or not guilty.

Depending on your plea, you might have:

  • Pre-trial conferences: Meetings to discuss the case
  • Motions hearings: Where lawyers argue about what evidence can be used
  • Plea bargain negotiations: Discussions to possibly settle the case without a trial
  • Trial: If no agreement is reached, your case will go to trial, where a judge or jury decides the outcome

Potential Consequences of a DUI Conviction

The penalties imposed for a DUI conviction in Colorado can be severe, even for first-time offenders. A report by the Colorado Department of Public Safety found that the average cost of a first-offense DUI conviction is approximately $13,530. This financial burden is just one aspect of the potential consequences.

Other administrative penalties include:

  • Jail time: Up to 1 year for a first offense
  • Fines: Up to $1,000 in fines for a first offense, plus court costs and fees
  • License suspension: 9 months to 1 year
  • Community service: Up to 96 hours of public service
  • Alcohol education and treatment: Mandatory classes and possible treatment program
  • Probation: Often 1 to 2 years

For multi-time offenders, the Colorado DUI penalties can be even more severe. They may be punished with more jail time, higher fines, or longer license suspensions.

Long-Term Implications of a DUI Conviction

A DUI conviction can have far-reaching consequences beyond legal penalties. According to a report by HR.com95 percent of employers in the USA requested a background check on every job applicant in one recent year. This statistic shows the potential impact of a DUI conviction on your career prospects.

Other aspects of your life that could be affected include:

  • Professional licenses: Certain professions may require reporting a DUI conviction, which could jeopardize your professional license
  • Insurance rates: Your auto insurance premiums are likely to increase significantly after a DUI conviction
  • Travel: A DUI conviction could complicate international travel, especially to countries like Canada, where a DUI is a serious criminal offense
  • Personal relationships: The stress and stigma of a DUI can strain personal and family relationships

The Importance of Rehabilitation

Regardless of the legal outcome, it is crucial to address any underlying substance abuse issues. Many individuals find that a DUI arrest serves as a wake-up call to seek help. 

Colorado offers numerous resources for alcohol and drug treatment, including:

  • Outpatient counseling
  • Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or SMART Recovery
  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Inpatient rehabilitation facilities

Voluntarily seeking treatment can also prove to the court your commitment to change. This could positively influence your case.

Restoring Your Driving Privileges

After a DUI conviction, regaining your driving privileges may involve several steps:

  1. Complete your mandatory suspension period
  2. Get high-risk insurance (SR-22 Insurance) and maintain it for a specified period
  3. Pay all necessary reinstatement fees to the DMV
  4. Install an ignition Interlock device, if required to do so
  5. Complete any court-ordered education or treatment programs

Moving Forward After a DUI

A DUI arrest does not have to define your future. With the right approach and support, you can overcome this challenge and move forward positively. 

Consider taking the following steps:

  1. Learning from the experience and making necessary lifestyle changes
  2. Exploring transportation alternatives to reduce the risk of future incidents
  3. Being proactive about addressing any substance abuse issues
  4. Focusing on personal growth and professional development

Contact a Colorado DUI Attorney Today

A DUI arrest is a serious matter, but it is not the end of the road. Whether it is your first drunk driving offense or second offense, Wolf Law LLC can help you work towards a positive outcome.

If you are in Colorado or the Denver Metro area and you need excellent and compassionate criminal defense representation, get in touch with us. Contact us or call 720-479-8574 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your options.