What Happens from Arrest to Arraignment?
An arraignment is the court proceeding at which a judge formally presents the criminal charges against the accused. An arraignment is also when the accused enters a plea of guilty...

The Facts About Domestic Violence
Domestic violence rates in the United States are staggering. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) states that more than 10 million women and men will be abused by an...

Legalization of marijuana is opening the opportunity for more and more private companies to offer pot friendly events and establishments. One of the most conspicuous marijuana celebrations occurs on 4/20 every...

Over the years of roadside sobriety testing, there have been many who have tried to "beat" the system with one trick or another. However, while the breathalyzer may not be the...

The Craft Beer Drinker’s Guide
September is filled with occasions to celebrate by downing a couple of cold ones - Labor Day, Oktoberfest, and the start of football season to name a few. And if...

In a physical confrontation, there’s a fine line between assault and self-defense, but the distinction is critically important since the punishment for even a misdemeanor assault charge (3rd-degree assault) can...

How To Answer 6 Common Questions Police Ask at DUI Stops
Neither Wolf Law, LLC, nor Jeffrey Wolf support or encourage drinking and driving. Please be responsible and use a designated driver, Uber, Lyft or call a cab. One night, you're...